Thursday, January 1, 2009

Note to Self

I have never really been one to make resolutions, although that is tradition for many to do when January rolls around. Instead, I set short term goals every few months and try to reach them. As I look back on 2008, I have seen how easy it is to forget why I do what I do in different areas of my life. As I was reflecting on the past year, I realized that for the better part of it I was stuck in the moment. I became caught up in so many distractions that I lost sight of some of the things that are most important to me. As I step into 2009, it is with a strong desire to get back to what is meaningful in my life. Below is an excerpt from my scrapbook from early 2008. I think it's the perfect reminder to prioritize the coming year.

Note to Self









Don't forget what is most important to you! Sometimes life can get so busy that it's easy to forget why you do what you do. Stop. Reflect. Sometimes you might need to take some distractions out. That's okay! Remember your reasons...

1 comment:

  1. Good words! Very encouraging to live life to the fullest. I have a quote that was sent to me from a friend, he sends me them everyday but this one really stuck with me:

    Today's preparation, determines tomorrows achievement.

    Made me realize that every little thing I do...sets me up for the day in a good or bad way. :D
