Tonight I entered my blog into this randomly cool site called the Typealyzer and these are the results. Apparently my blog type is ISTP, short for Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perception. Hmmm. The note at the top of the site page says, "Note: writing style on a blog may have little or nothing to do with a person´s self-perceived personality." here is the short analysis of my blog:
ISTP - The Mechanics
The independent and problem-solving type. They are especially attuned to the demands of the moment are masters of responding to challenges that arise spontaneously. They generally prefer to think things out for themselves and often avoid inter-personal conflicts. The Mechanics enjoy working together with other independent and highly skilled people and often like seek fun and action both in their work and personal life. They enjoy adventure and risk such as in driving race cars or working as policemen and firefighters.
You can read a more in depth explanation of ISTP from Wikipedia here: Apparently the ISTP personality type is likened to the Crafter role variant ( and the Artisan temperment ( When I read about the Artisan tempermant it really got me. It was pretty darn accurate, actually. Here's what it said:
The Artisan temperament comprises the following role variants: Composer, Crafter, Performer, and Promoter. Artisans are observant and pragmatic, and their greatest strength is tactical variation. Their most developed intelligence role is either as an Operator (Promoters and Crafters) or an Entertainer (Performers and Composers). Artisans take pride in their ability to be graceful, are confident in their ability to adapt, and respect their ability to be daring. In education, they want to learn arts, crafts, and techniques that they can use in a career. In careers, they tend to seek operations work. [1]
Artisans have sensation-seeking personalities. They are often spontaneous pleasure-seekers who prefer to live one day at a time. They tend to be cynical about the past and optimistic about the future. They are concerned with their ability to make an impact on others and are usually playful in their interpersonal relationships. They are play oriented as children and spouses, and they tend to be permissive parents. [1]
Artisans have sensation-seeking personalities. They are often spontaneous pleasure-seekers who prefer to live one day at a time. They tend to be cynical about the past and optimistic about the future. They are concerned with their ability to make an impact on others and are usually playful in their interpersonal relationships. They are play oriented as children and spouses, and they tend to be permissive parents. [1]
Artisans want teachers who are interesting, active, and playful. They will avoid sedentary forms of learning and uninteresting learning assignments. They will also avoid reading assignments that are not succinct, practical and relevant. Artisans want to demonstrate their learning through actions.
As a defense mechanism, Artisans may respond with denial, insisting that a fact is untrue despite overwhelming evidence.[2] Since artisans feel a need to make an impact and to be spontaneous, they become stressed when their ability to do these things becomes constrained. Boredom is another source of stress for artisans. When under stress, artisans can become reckless, and they may retaliate against the source of the stress. Providing artisans with options such as new ways to make an impact and new activities can relieve the stress.[1]
Traits in common with other temperaments
Keirsey identified the following traits of the Artisan temperament:[1]
Concrete in communication (like Guardians)
Pragmatic in pursuing their goals (like Rationals)
Concrete in communication (like Guardians)
Pragmatic in pursuing their goals (like Rationals)
I thought this was very interesting and wonder how random it actually is. If you know me well then you are probably laughing at some of the descriptions right now. I know I did. Especially at the section on stress. lol Pretty close. Here is Typealyzer's analysis that shows what parts of the brain were dominant during writing. I find this chart rather amusing! Not sure how accurate this is, though. I would say about 50%. And no, that doesn't mean I only use half my brain!
Wanna try it? Here's the link, try it out and share the results:
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