Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Few Thoughts on Friendship

Lately my heart has been very heavy about some close relationships that seem to just be left out in the desert. I've tried to understand it, I've tried to fix no avail. Sometimes people close doors and you don't really understand why (even if you think you do). I think a lot of women can relate to how I feel at some point in their life. I am saddened because these relationships were precious to me.

Well I woke up this morning feeling such peace! I know that even though I feel alone, there is something that God wants to do in me during this time. I trust that God knows my desire to have friendships that are going to enrich my life...the kind of soul mate friends that will be there through all of the changes and seasons that I will inevitably encounter.  Perhaps He will bring new friendship into my life.  Or strengthen current relationships.  Or possibly even revive old friendships from the dead!  I know that anything is possible. 

God did not design us to be an island, to walk through life's journey alone.  He created us for relationship.  So I'm not going to lose heart....I know there is a purpose for why I feel like I am walking this part of my journey alone.  And I know that I am not alone!  I think there are secrets that God wants to reveal in my heart that maybe could not happen any other way, and that is something sweet to anticipate!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

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