Friday, September 24, 2010

Freedom From Fear

Being just a few weeks away from having our daughter, I've had lots of different thoughts running through my mind, and a mixture of varying emotions that come and go.  Ahh the roller coaster of pregnancy hormones!  For me the best way to deal with these is to find out what God says.  So I did a little searching, and happened upon this on Joyce Meyer's  website, so good I had to share it!  Here's an excerpt:

Overcoming the Fear of Lack

Another major fear people face is the fear of lack. The fear that your needs won’t be met—that God won’t come through for you in time.
You may be in a situation that you’ve never been in before, facing all kinds of new responsibilities. You may have needs that are beyond your resources and the spirit of fear is attacking you, telling you that you aren’t going to make it. You may feel like nobody else cares. But God cares.
In fact, Hebrews 13:5,6 says you can trust God to come to your rescue.
Even when it seems that absolutely nothing is happening in your life, He is working. Beloved, God has a good plan for you, and He’ll manifest it right on time.
If you need financial support, He’ll provide. If it’s physical support you need, He’ll sustain you. If you need emotional support, He’ll comfort you. He’ll nourish you and bring you back to a place of strength.
God is for you. He is not against you. Satan is against you, but the greater One lives in you!

Talk about encouraging!  The article also talks about the cure for insecurity and learning to trust God in difficult times...all really good, encouraging stuff!  This is one article you'll want to read in it's entirety if you've found yourself dealing with fear lately. 

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." ~ 1 John 4:18

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